Free local delivery
We offer free delivery to these local hospitals:
Epping Northern - Epping
NorthPark Private - Bundoora
Mercy Hospital for Women - Heidelberg
We also offer free local delivery to the following postcodes in the northern suburbs of Melbourne:
3064,Donnybrook |
Australia-wide shipping
All other shipping Australia-wide has a flat-rate of $9.95
Other shipping information
Please note: there are a high number of delays with parcels due to COVID-19.
We will pack your order within 24 hours of receiving payment. Your order will be shipped within one business day of being packed after which the estimated shipping times apply as per Australia Post or our nominated couriers timeframes. These timeframes do not apply to products that are listed as pre-order.
You will receive an order confirmation, shipping confirmation and a tracking number for your package.
Your package will be delivered to the address you provide. Please ensure you confirm your address at the checkout.
Once we have sent your package off we accept no responsibility for any delay, damage, destruction of goods caused by the third-party deliverer. However, we will endeavour to find a solution if any of the above issues arise.
Unfortunately we cannot deliver to PO boxes.